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Shopping App + Backend

React Native mobile shopping app built with Expo for a seamless development experience. The Nest.js backend, utilizing a MySQL database for data storage with TypeORM as the ORM, offers a secure and scalable foundation. Users can create accounts, manage them, and make secure in-app payments with Stripe. The app features a user-friendly interface with modern aesthetics (e.g., clean layout, bold typography) and delightful animations like Shared Element Transitions. It utilizes a primarily GraphQL API for efficient data management and retrieval, with a fallback REST API for wider compatibility. Push notifications, handled by the Expo API, keep users informed about order updates, tracked product changes, and other relevant information. Designed and built by me from scratch. The backend leverages JWT for token-based authentication, Bcrypt for password hashing, and SendGrid for email account activation.

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MyLife App + GraphQL Backend

Expo & React Native mobile app with Nest.js backend. Features include user authentication, creating reminders with tasks and images, expense tracking, creating secured notes with expo-authentication, creating your own workouts and exercises to track your progress. The app is powered by a GraphQL API provided by the backend server. The backend server is built with Nest.js and MySQL database with TypeORM. It offers a GraphQL API for the mobile app. Secure user authentication is ensured with JWT for token-based authentication and Bcrypt for password hashing. Push notifications are managed with expo-push-notifications-sdk and scheduled tasks with @nestjs/schedule. Both the mobile app and backend server are designed and built by me from scratch.

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Website for recruiting company

Next.js website for a German recruiting company, designed and built to meet their specific requirements. Offers 10+ native translations (including Polish, English, German, and Arabic). Utilizes Yup & Formik for robust form validation. Data management and job offers are powered by a REST API provided by Ninox Cloud API. Optimized for performance and SEO with a Lighthouse score between 90-100. Leverages TailwindCSS for styling and Next.js Intl for translations. Includes a fully responsive design for mobile and desktop. Self-built and designed.

β†’ Tech stack
TechnologyTechnologyTechnologyNext INTLAXIOS

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Marketplace web-app + Backend

E-commerce web app built with Next.js and TailwindCSS, featuring a Nest.js backend with a MySQL database and TypeORM. Users can authenticate with JWT tokens (Bcrypt for password hashing), manage accounts with purchase and sale history. Secure in-app payments are powered by the Stripe API. Manage favorite products with a dedicated list and enjoy features like selling products and managing listings. This app utilizes a REST API provided by the backend server. Built with a team during our month-long internship, I was responsible for both frontend and backend development.

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TechnologyTechnologyTechnologyRTK queryTechnologyTechnologyTechnologyTechnologyTechnology

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Movie picker + Backend

Mobile app for choosing movies with friends. Swipe right to like, swipe left to dislike. Match with your friends! Real-time updates with Socket.io. Scan QR codes to join the room. Built with Expo and React Native. The backend is built with Node.js and Express.js, utilizing Socket.io for real-time updates. The app is designed to be fun and engaging, with a modern and clean UI. Data is managed with Redux for efficient state management. Movies are fetched from TheMovieDB API. The app is designed and built by me from scratch with some inspirations from simmilar apps.

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β†’ About me
The Developer Behind the Code

Hi there! As a 20-year-old student from Poland, my passion for building things for the web blossomed during my five years in a programming-focused high school. While I gained foundational knowledge there, my self-driven nature pushed me to delve deeper. Today, I'm equipped with a diverse tech stack that allows me to navigate both mobile and web development landscapes. In the mobile realm, I'm comfortable crafting engaging applications with React Native and streamlining the process using Expo. For web development, my toolbox includes React for dynamic interfaces, Tailwind CSS for rapid styling, NextJS for performance and SEO, and Typescript for enhanced code maintainability and safety.

But my expertise extends beyond the frontend. I'm equally adept at building the backend with NodeJS and structuring its logic using NestJS. Additionally, I leverage the power of MySQL for data management and utilize TypeORM to simplify interactions with the database.

β†’ Education Education & Expirience

Freelance - Visbro Personal Solutions (2024) Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

Design and development of a web application according to customer requirements, integration with an external NINOX platform, creation of texts and translations

Internship - ARTNEO (2022) Feb 2022 - Mar 2022

As part of my internship, I worked on a project that involved the development of a web application for a learning purposes using NextJS and Tailwind CSS. This experience allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the development process and the importance of collaboration and communication in a professional setting.

Internship - Wirtualna Polska (WP Media S.A.) (2022) Dec 2022 - Jan 2023

During my intership i learned a lot about linux and it's enviroment. We were taught how to set zabix monitoring system and how to use it. I also learned about the importance of security and how to secure a server.

ZespΓ³Ε‚ szkΓ³Ε‚ elektronicznych i telekomunikacyjnych in Olsztyn, Poland

I graduated from a programming-focused high school, where I learned the basics of programming and software development. This experience laid the foundation for my future in technology and provided me with the knowledge and skills to pursue my passion.

document iconINF.03 - 2021
document iconINF.04 - 2024
document iconOnline courses
document iconFullstack projects